Feb. 19
Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance; Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce; Wanted Person- Warrant Service
A man was spotted sitting in a parking lot with trash next to his vehicle. A female passenger admitted to the littering and picked up the trash. The man later stated that he possessed marijuana and that he was wanted for a probation violation. He was swiftly arrested and his vehicle was released to the female passenger. The reporting officer was John Preston Morris.
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Drugs; Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance; Failure to Maintain Lane; Drugs not in Original Container-Misdemeanor; Hit and Run Duty of Driver to Stop at or Return to Scene of Crime; Possession and Use or Drug Related Objects
A man stated that while on the road, a driver behind him ran off the road and hit a sign before pulling into a driveway. It was noted that the driver appeared to be under the influence of some type of drug. However, he denied these accusations. Later, he failed a field sobriety test and a search of his vehicle revealed that he possessed two pill bottles which contained the incorrect medication. He was soon placed under arrest. He was transported to a local hospital for medical treatment. The reporting officer was Bobby McCloud.
Feb. 20
Giving False Name, Address or Birthdate to Law Enforcement; Illegal Stop/Stand/Park where Prohibited; Failure to Maintain Lane; Driving while License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
A woman was seen parked in the roadway in the middle of the night. When she began to move, she could not maintain her lane. She admitted that she did not have her driver’s license with her and that she stole the vehicle from her boyfriend after an argument about sex. After several failed background checks, the woman also admitted to providing a fake name and was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Theft by Taking-Felony
A man stated that his car was stolen while he was using an ATM in a convenience store. No one saw the incident, and the man was unsure of who could have committed the theft. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Feb. 21
Hit and Run Duty of Driver to Stop at or Return to Scene of Crime
A man stated that while driving, someone hit his bumper and did not stop. He followed the person to a local department store before calling police. The driver claimed that he did not know that he was involved in an accident as he was on the phone. He was later placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
A woman stated that her ex-boyfriend went to her house uninvited and refused to leave. She noted that his violent tendencies were the reason that they broke up. The ex-boyfriend could not be located. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Feb. 22
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Possession of Firearm or Knife during Commission of or After Crime; Carrying a Concealed Weapon; Obstructing or Hindering Law Enforcement Officers
A woman stated that she went to her daughter’s house to find that her ex-boyfriend had broken in. He was under the influence of drugs and was in possession of a handgun. He quickly left the scene but was later found behind the house on his cell phone with a box of items from the residence. He refused to comply with police and was tasered as a result. He admitted to breaking into the house and having a handgun but denied being under the influence. It was noted that his face and neck were covered in sores. The daughter confirmed that the ex-boyfriend was not allowed to enter her residence, and he was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
Disorderly Conduct
A man stated that his father hit him on the knee with a stick. It was noted that the man smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages. His father said that the man started to yell after he asked him to help his mother move some items out of her car. At this point, the man threatened to get a gun from his room and he was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Theft by Taking- Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A man advised that someone had pried open his front door and stolen baseball cards, a battery charger and several tools. The items were valued at over $1,000. He noted that he suspected his neighbor of the theft who denied the claim. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
Robbery by Sudden Snatching
Two men stated that two burglars had stolen over $250 in cash off them. The first burglar was arrested at the scene, and the second burglar was later found in a nearby vehicle. The driver of said vehicle was also arrested for driving under the influence. One of the burglars admitted to stealing the money during a business transaction. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
Criminal Trespass
A man stated that a drunk woman was in his house destroying everything in sight. It was noted that the floor of the house was covered in broken glass, blood and alcohol. The man elaborated that the two had been arguing about her drinking when the incident occurred. The woman admitted to the incident and was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Feb. 23
Disorderly Conduct
A man stated that his stepson went to his house and threatened to beat him up. The stepson admitted that he and the man fight a lot and that their argument got more heated than usual on this date. All parties confirmed that no one was actually harmed. As police were leaving the scene, the stepson started to yell at the man in an aggressive manner. He refused to calm down was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Criminal Trespass-Property Damage
A woman stated that she was arguing with her ex-girlfriend when the ex-girlfriend tried to break into her bedroom. The ex-girlfriend used a piece of wood to bust one of the windows in before fleeing the scene. A juvenile witness confirmed this story. The ex-girlfriend could not be located. The reporting officer was Kathy Dillard.
Feb. 24
Maintaining a Disorderly House
A woman advised that her daughter was intoxicated and yelling about random topics. The daughter admitted to using marijuana and meth while continuing to yell and use profanity. A short time later, she was arrested. The reporting officer was Rebecca Irvin.
Feb. 25
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Failure to Maintain Lane
A man stated that he turned too sharply on the roadway and got his vehicle stuck in a ditch. It was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages and he later admitted to having previously consumed some vodka. He failed a field sobriety test and was swiftly arrested. His vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Matthew Petrea.
Improper Stopping on Roadway
An unknown informant stated that a suspicious vehicle was parked in the middle of a subdivision. A woman went to police and said that she would move the vehicle as it belonged to a friend but a man later claimed that the vehicle belonged to him. The woman ultimately admitted to lying, saying the she did not want the situation to get blown out of proportion. The man later apologized for his actions. The reporting officer was James Ashley Denny.