ATLANTA—Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp reminds voters to check their polling location with the MVP (My Voter Page) voter education website and to bring photo ID when voting in the general election.
The MVP voter education Web site allows Georgia voters to find their election day polling location, view a sample ballot specific to them for the elections, track the status of their absentee ballot, and more.
Georgia voters can access the MVP Web site at
Voters will be required to show one of the following six forms of photo ID when voting in-person on Election Day:
A Georgia driver’s license, even if expired;
Any valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including a free Voter ID Card issued by your county registrar or Georgia Department of
Driver Services (DDS);
Valid U.S. passport;
Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U.S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority, or other entity of this state;
Valid U.S. military photo ID; or
Valid tribal photo ID.
If a voter does not have one of these forms of photo identification, they can obtain a free voter ID card at their county registrars’ office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services. Anyone with additional questions about Georgia’s photo ID requirement can visit or call toll free (877) 725-9797.
Kemp also encouraged Georgians to assist his agency with preventing election fraud. The Stop Voter Fraud Web site allows Georgians to report questionable election activity online or via the Stop Voter Fraud hotline. Citizens who witness questionable election-related activity can submit a Stop Voter Fraud form, or call the Secretary of State’s Voter Fraud Hotline at 877-725-9797. Georgia voters can access the Stop Voter Fraud Web site at
Polls will be open from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on Tuesday.