Two Effingham County High School Air Force JROTC students were recently selected to attend the prestigious Air Force Aerospace and Technology Honors Camp this summer, the Air Force recently announced.
Juniors Victoria Shelley and Julie Germain will attend the camp for a week, co-hosted at Tinker Air Force Base and the University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City.
According to the Air Force, cadets selected from nominations world-wide represent the top one-half of 1 percent of over 100,000 Air Force JROTC cadets, since nomination and selection criteria is extremely high in terms of academics, leadership and leadership potential, interest in the Air Force as a career, and community service.
The two juniors were nominated by their senior aerospace science instructor at the school, Major (Ret.) Danny Burgstiner.
The camp will include hands-on curriculum activities; visits to operational Air Force units at Tinker, research labs, historical sites, aerospace industries; and a light aircraft incentive ride for each cadet.