Effingham County 4-H members competed at the Southeast District Project Achievement competition, held at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton.
Project Achievement is a cornerstone in the Georgia 4-H program that teaches a young person public speaking skills, interview skills, record keeping skills, social skills and self-confidence. As a partner in public education, Georgia 4-H Project Achievement serves as a forum to showcase a 4-H’ers’ hard work and success. To compete in this competition, seventh-12th grade 4-H members first pick a project area of interest to them, then keep a yearly record of project work and finally prepare a 10-12-minute presentation for competition.
Not only do participants have the opportunity to present their demonstrations, they also can run for a leadership position as a Southeast District board member, participate in service projects and meet friends from all over the Southeast District.
This year Effingham County had 17 students representing multiple project areas within the competition. The senior level (ninth-12th grades) participants were: Marci Delcampo, Abby Henry, Grace Kieffer, Noah McDonald, Payton Mercer, Mallory Morgan, Rose Moss, Gabe Palmberg, Alex Parrish, Bri Tredway, Rebecca Velasquez and Bailee Wilson. The junior level (seventh-eighth grades) participants were: Zaniya Brown, Marina Herten, Owen Mercer, Macy Morgan and Lauren Usher.
Senior 4-H members placing first in their project area are eligible to advance beyond the district competition to state 4-H Congress, which is held in Atlanta at the Crowne Plaza Ravina in late July. This event is reserved for 4-H’ers who have worked hard and earned the privilege to represent their district at the state level of competition. This year, Effingham County had five participants who will advance to the state competition: Rose Moss, Mallory Morgan, Gabe Palmberg, Rebecca Velasquez and Grace Kieffer.
DPA is an extremely valuable tool for fulfilling the Georgia 4-H mission of “assisting youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive, and contributing citizens,” said Abby Smith, 4-H Agent, of Effingham County Extension office in Springfield, Georgia.
For more information about Effingham County 4-H programs, call 754-8040.