March 15
Animal Attack
A man stated that he was in his yard when his dogs began to bark. When he went to check on them, he discovered that they had killed his neighbor’s small dog. He tried to contact the neighbor but she was not at home at the time. The reporting officer was James Wilkinson.
March 17
Traffic Complaint/Violation; Seat Belt Violation; Possession of Methamphetamine; Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects
A woman was seen riding in a vehicle without wearing her seat belt. She noted that she did not have her license with her, and she seemed hesitant to answer any questions. It was later discovered that she had methamphetamine and a glass smoking pipe in her possession. She was swiftly arrested a short time later. The reporting officer was Christopher Cary.
March 19
Seat Belt Violation; Possession of Methamphetamine; Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects
A man was spotted driving down the road without wearing a seat belt. He admitted to not wearing a seat belt but became very irate when questioned further. A search of his vehicle revealed that he had methamphetamine and a syringe in his possession. He was arrested, and his vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was John Preston Morris.
March 20
Traffic Complaint/Violation; Obscured or Missing License Plate; Possession of Methamphetamine; Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce; Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects
A woman was spotted driving down the road with no license plate. She claimed that her stepfather had removed it. It was noted that her vehicle smelled strongly of marijuana, and she later admitted that she had some in her possession as well as a grinder. A search of the vehicle revealed that she also had methamphetamine and several glass smoking pipes. The woman was placed under arrest, and her vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Christopher Cary.
Simple Battery
A man stated that he got into a disagreement with his nephew while the two were working on a truck, and the nephew put the man in a headlock. The nephew claimed that no physical contact took place during the argument. Both parties were advised to give each other some space. The reporting officer was Caleb Grovenstein.
March 21
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Criminal Trespass; Theft by Taking- Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A man stated that he left his power tools at a construction site where he was working. When he returned to the site from lunch he noticed that his tile saw and hand grinder were missing. He was unsure of who could have committed this theft. The reporting officer was John Reinhart.
Theft by Taking-Felony; Criminal Trespass- Property Damage
A couple stated that several items had been stolen from their garage. The items included a table saw, two air compressors and some tools. The two noted that they had previously gotten into a domestic dispute with their granddaughter which was evidenced by broken glass in their yard. A neighbor later came forward and confirmed that the granddaughter and her boyfriend were responsible for the thefts. Contact could not be made with the granddaughter. The reporting officer was Victoria Wisecarver.
Missing Person
A woman advised that her mentally ill brother was missing. After leaving his girlfriend’s house, he somehow ended up in Jacksonville and went to a nearby hospital to have a boil on his back inspected. Before the woman could get to the hospital, he was discharged and disappeared again. The brother could not be contacted. The reporting officer was Danny Harrington.
Criminal Trespass
A woman stated that a homeless man came to her door asking for a shirt and a shower. When she went to get a shirt, he followed her inside, and the woman demanded that he leave. Another witness at the scene confirmed this story. The man was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Domestic Dispute
A woman stated that she was sleeping when her roommate entered the room and threw water on her. The roommate proceeded to slap the woman and twist her ear. The woman went on to say that she was going to leave the residence with her daughter. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Burglary- Second Degree (Felony); Probation Violation (when Probation Terms are Altered) for Convicted Lawbreaker
A man stated that his neighbor contacted him about a suspicious vehicle on the man’s lawn. When he returned home, he found several items to be missing including a hacksaw, some fishing poles, some camping gear, a pellet rifle and some kayak paddles. There were no signs of forced entry on the property. The neighbor said that she recognized the suspicious vehicle as belonging to a man who use to live in the area. Contact could not be made with this man. The reporting officer was Victoria Wisecarver.
March 22
Theft by Taking-Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A man advised that a masonry crew who were working on a house were drinking water from an unmetered line in a vacant lot. The head of the masonry crew claimed that he did not know that the line was unmetered, and he noted that the sheetrock crew had been using it the day before. He was advised to settle the situation with the city. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce
A man was seen driving down the road on a suspended license. He pulled over to help a broken-down truck before police could even signal a traffic stop. It was noted that the man’s vehicle smelled strongly of marijuana, and he soon admitted to having some in his possession. He was placed under arrest a short time later. The reporting officer was Jason Fondren.
A woman stated that her neighbor went to her residence and attacked the woman and her daughter. The neighbor was accompanied by four other females, and the fight was regarding an affair that had previously occurred between the woman and the neighbor’s husband. It was noted that the woman and the daughter both had bloody noses. Contact was unable to be established with the neighbor. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Domestic Dispute
A woman stated that a couple pulled onto her lawn and started fighting. She was unsure of who they were, and they left at her request. The couple was later located, and the female half confirmed this story, but the male half claimed that he had no knowledge of what had taken place. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
March 23
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
A man was seen driving down the road with no license plate on his vehicle. He stated that the vehicle was not his and that he was simply borrowing it from his girlfriend’s mother. It was later revealed that his license had been suspended, and he was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Fonzie Wayne Smith.
Obstruction of Law Enforcement (Misdemeanor)
A vehicle that had been involved in a previous theft was spotted driving down the road. After ignoring police for some time, it came to a stop, and a female passenger fled the area on foot. The passenger eventually returned and denied having knowledge of the theft. She stated that she had just gotten out of jail and was being driven home by an unknown person who was preforming a favor for a friend. The driver was found some time later, and it was confirmed that he was involved in the theft. He was swiftly placed under arrest, and his vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Jason Garland.
Affray (Fighting)
A man stated that he had gotten into a fight with his ex-wife’s boyfriend. He was driving down the road when he noticed a vehicle following him. When he pulled over, the boyfriend approached him and punched him three times. The man retaliated with three punches of his own before both parties retreated. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Child in Need of Services
A woman stated that her juvenile daughter had run away from home. She was found walking along the side of the road with a young boy, and she said that she was simply going to the boy’s house. She eventually admitted that she had run away because her stepfather was not nice to her. She attempted to slap an officer across the face when he tried to escort her home, but she was restrained before she could do so. The woman later said that the conflict originally arose when the stepfather threw away the daughter’s cell phone because he thought that she was trying to hide something. The daughter responded by leaving the residence with the boy. The daughter was then released to the woman. The reporting officer was Bryan Shearouse.
March 24
Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce
A man was spotted driving down the interstate at a very high rate of speed. It was noted that his vehicle smelled strongly of marijuana and the man later confirmed that he did, in fact, have marijuana in his possession. He was released from the scene and issued a court date. The reporting officer was Jason Fondren.
Discharging Firearms Within 300 Yards of Other Dwelling; Threats
A man advised that after talking with his neighbors, they shot at him as he left. It was noted that both the man and the neighbors were very intoxicated. The neighbors said that they put the firearms away once they began drinking. The also noted that the man had gone onto the property uninvited and chopped at a tree with a hatchet. The man was advised to stay off the property. However, several minutes later, he went to the front porch of the neighbor’s house and began to yell. He was advised for a second time to stay away from their residence. The reporting officer was Caleb Grovenstein.
March 25
Lost/Mislaid Property
A man advised that multiple people were stealing all the guns from his residence. It was noted that all the doors of the house were open and that several guns had been scattered about. The man claimed that two handguns had been taken. He changed the subject on several occasions, and at on point, he claimed that his ceiling fan and air vent had been tampered with. A close inspection of these objects revealed that they were in proper working condition. The reporting officer was Garett Buckles.
Theft by Taking-Felony
A woman stated that she woke up to find that her vehicle had been stolen from her driveway. She also said that her spare key was missing. She was unsure of who could have committed the theft. The reporting officer was Rebecca Irvin.