Guyton, Flat Bush Drive
Entering motor vehicle with intent to commit theft or felony
An officer was dispatched to Flat Bush Drive in reference to an entering auto complaint. When the officer arrived, they spoke with the man. The man stated that when he went outside this morning he noticed someone went inside the glove compartment of his work truck. The man stated that when he looked inside his truck, he noticed his Bank of America checkbook and his pistol was missing. The man said that he then woke up his wife and told her to check the truck she drives. She noticed her Taurus pt 22 L.R. with rosewood grips missing from the middle console and a role of coins. She stated that after looking inside her truck, she checked her daughter’s vehicle but didn’t notice anything missing. The checkbook was later found on the top of the front passenger tire of the man’s truck. The man stated that he could not provide any information about this gun missing out of his vehicle but will call the sheriff’s department when he gets the information.
Guyton, Royal Oak Dr.
Entering motor vehicle with intent to commit theft or felony
A man stated that at his residence, sometime during the night, someone entered his vehicle and took his wallet. He said that he had $243 in cash and numerous credit and debit cards. He said that the vehicle was not locked. A short time later, officers were notified that the wallet had been found in the neighbor’s yard. Everything was still in the wallet except for the cash.
Highway 21 North
Theft by taking
On Saturday, deputies were dispatched in reference to a theft report. Upon arrival deputies made contact with the complainant. According to him, sometime between Friday and Saturday someone came on the property where he stores his commercial equipment for his business, and removed 16 used but serviceable tractor truck tires and five tractor truck wheels from a shipping container where he houses spare tires and parts for his log trucks. There were tire tracks, which according to the complainant, did not belong to any vehicle that should have been on the property. The tire tracks appear to be from a large vehicle like a full size pickup truck or a van, and the vehicle towing a small trailer. The tire tracks were photographed but no other evidence was located at the scene to be processed.
Guyton, Royal Oak Dr.
Theft by taking
An officer was dispatched in reference to stolen property. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with a man who stated that he had pictures that he took, sent to his house through Fed Ex. He stated that when he got home the packages were missing. He also said that he called Fed Ex to verify that they delivered the packages and they told him that they were.
Highway 80
Theft by taking
An officer spoke with a woman who stated that someone had taken her rings. She said that a yellow gold wedding band that had belonged to her grandfather, her yellow gold wedding ring, and a diamond cluster ring, which is missing a diamond, were missing. She stated that the only person she could think of who could have taken the rings was a man she has let live at her residence for a while to help him out. She stated that the man was arrested in Bulloch County last Friday for burglary and he is still in jail. She said she has not seen her rings since September or October, and she only takes them out to clean them and does not wear them. Several teenagers arrived at her house during the investigation. One of the male teenagers stated that the man was at a neighbor’s previously a week ago trying to get the neighbor to take him to the pawn shop to pawn his grandmother’s rings, which the teenager now thinks is the woman’s rings. The teen stated that when the man was asking to be taken to the pawn shop that he was insisting on going to Savannah and not a local pawn shop in the area. The teen stated that when the man asked the neighbor, he told him no because he didn’t think something was right about it.
Guyton, McLaws Road
Suspicious vehicle
Upon arrival to the Pineora Holy Church of God, an officer spoke with the complainant who stated that he observed a white early ’90s model Buick LeSabre hanging around the residence across the street. He stated that the vehicle was acting suspicious by driving slowly and passing the residence several times. He further said that the vehicle pulled into the driveway and went around the rear of the residence. He advised the officer that he heard several “banging” noises as well as loud noises that he compared to “slamming doors.” He said that the noises were coming from the rear of the residence. He stated that several minutes later he observed the vehicle leave from the residence in a “real quick manner” like they were “running.” He said that he called 911 to report the incident, and that no one has been to the residence since a meth bust several months ago. He believes no one should be at the residence. The officer then went to the residence where he observed a rear attic access open. Another officer arrived on scene and assisted the officer in checking the residence to make sure it was secure. The residence was locked and unoccupied.
Rincon, Exley Road South
Domestic dispute
Two officers responded to a domestic dispute between a husband and wife. When they arrived, they spoke with the wife who stated that her husband had struck her with his hand in a pillow. She stated that she tried to gain entry into the residence but the front door was locked and so she got in through the back door. That’s when she claimed he became angry with her because she woke him up. The man told a different story. He claimed that she had left arguing and went out and was drinking and she came home intoxicated and angry. He further stated that she made entry through the back door and came into the bedroom where he was sleeping and jumped on him and attacked him. He also stated that he took his arm and tried to keep her off of him but he never struck her in the head. There have been no past domestic disputes at this residence. No arrests were needed due to insufficient evidence of a primary aggressor.
Courthouse Road
Domestic dispute
Two officers responded to a domestic dispute between a husband and wife. They spoke with the wife who stated that she and her husband were arguing and she wanted him out of her house. She stated that he had been taking her medication and stealing things and she had enough of all the fighting. She said that she wanted a divorce but that he somehow stopped it from going through. The officer left the residence and went down to the primary residence where the domestic took place. The other officer was speaking to the man who stated that his wife had been disorderly toward him all day and she became increasingly worse that evening. He stated that she was shouting, cussing and threatened to kill him while he was on the phone with his mother.
Incident reports