On a hot Sunday in Rincon, Baptists and Catholics stood shoulder to shoulder in front of First Baptist Church of Rincon, holding up signs denouncing abortion as part of the Life Chain.
Allan Bazemore, the Life Chain coordinator at St. Boniface Catholic Church, said the word he used with his congregation was “impact.”
“Today, we’re going to make an impact on someone’s life,” he said, “to try to save someone’s life.”
Bazemore said being on Highway 21 in front of First Baptist Church of Rincon gave the Life Chain more visibility and that’s a priority.
“Some young person is going to ride by and make a decision,” he said. “They may know someone who is pregnant and thinking about it.”
While there are a lot of things that separate the different Christian churches, First Baptist Church of Rincon pastor Dr. Bob Rogers said this issue unifies them.
“We will work together in areas of agreement with other Christians,” he said. “We agree on the sanctity of life. It’s a Christian principle.”
“We have to unite, and we have to do it now,” Bazemore said. “We’re starting to be in the minority.”
Life Chain is a national event held on the first Sunday of October. It started 20 years ago in Bakersfield, Calif.
The event also draws families to the sidewalk to take part. Bryan Milne Sr. had his family with him holding up signs.
“Abortion is a very important issue,” he said. “It is, in fact, the taking of a human life.”
Milne and his family hoped to show there are alternatives to abortion, including adoption. Their pastor, St. Boniface’s Father Wes Lamb, was adopted, they said.
“It’s ecumenical. All faiths are represented. We’re all together in this 100 percent,” Milne said, “and all ages are here.”