October 28
Agency Assist
Assistance was requested by Rincon Police Department due to an offender failing to stop for a traffic stop. An officer encountered the subject being trailed by two RPD units with their emergency equipment activated as they were southbound on Blue Jay Rd. approaching Staffordshire Estates. The officer passed the vehicles and obstructed the offender’s lane of travel with his vehicle, which forced the offender to swerve onto the shoulder where he attempted to pass the officer. The officer exited the vehicle and drew a weapon, giving the offender multiple verbal commands to exit his vehicle, which he refused to do.
The offender attempted to reverse but was stopped by Rincon Units. After failing to heed to verbal commands, a group of officers attempted to remove the offender from his vehicle by force but were unable to do so. An officer then drew his Taser and again ordered the offender to exit the vehicle multiple times. Upon refusal, the officer discharged the Taser with both probes striking the offender in his arm. Once the Taser finished its five second cycle, the offender exited his vehicle and was taken into custody. Once in custody, the offender was checked by EMS personnel, and all appropriate parties were contacted. The responding officer was Matt Smith.
October 28
Possession of Firearms by Convicted Felons
and First Offender Probationers
An officer was dispatched to the Springfield area of 1491 Pleasant Acres Rd. in regards to a suspicious vehicle in the woods. Dispatch advised that the complainant believed people were hunting on their property. Upon arrival, the officer observed a Silver Jeep Cherokee parked at the woodline. As the officer approached the vehicle, she activated her lights and patrol camera and also observed many clothes piled through the glass. The officer then observed a male and a female inside the back seat believed to be sleeping. He also observed both occupants to be nude. At that time, the officer knocked on the window while announcing herself to awake both subjects.
Both subjects were advised to put clothes on and to step out of the vehicle. Another officer was then dispatched to arrive. While talking to the male subject, the officer observed that he was very groggy. The officer then advised the subject of the call in which he stated he had been drinking the night before and wanted to sleep it off. At this time the female subject stepped out of the vehicle. While talking to both subjects, they both said that they did not know that they could not sleep on the property. Then officer then asked for consent to search the vehicle in which the male subject denied.
After observing a small half green pill and a small plastic wrapper through the open back door with what looked to be white residue in the bottom, the officer asked if either of them were taking medication. They were then advised of what was observed and of the circumstances for search of the vehicle. While searching the officer observed a small silver revolver with a black grip handle. Dispatch then advised that the male subject was a convicted felon. The subject was then placed in handcuffs and placed in the back of the patrol car. The vehicle was released to the female subject who did not have any charges and the male was transported to Effingham County Jail. The responding officer was Dawn Devoss.
October 27
Wanted Person-Warrant Service
An officer was dispatched Chatham County Jail in reference to an inmate that needed to be picked up on an active warrant through the Effingham County Sheriffs Office. The warrant was for a female who was placed in a properly spaced/double locked handcuffs. She was placed in the rear of the patrol car and transported to the Effingham County Jail without incident where she was served with the warrant. The responding officer was Dawn Devoss.
October 28
Welfare Check
An officer was dispatched to 2062 Ebenezer Road in Rincon for a welfare check. Dispatch advised that a complainant called 911 and advised dispatch that his ex-wife had texted him and said that she had taken a bunch of sleeping pills in order to kill herself. Upon arrival, the officer met a white female outside that was grooming a dog. The officer asked if she was the victim and she said no and stated the victim was in the house asleep. The female took the officer to the victim’s room. She answered the door and did appear to have been asleep. The officer stated why she was there and the victim stated that she had not taken any kind of pills and had not texted her ex-husband. She stated she had divorced him and had to take out a restraining order to keep him away from her and her two daughters. She also stated that he trying to cause her problems all the time. She then let the officer check her phone in which no such text messages were found. The reporting officer was Timothy Ivey.
October 29
Driving Under the
Influence of Drugs
A vehicle failed to yield after a stop sign on Midland Rd. and attempted to cross Ga Hwy 17 when a second vehicle, traveling north on Ga Hwy 17 struck the vehicle. Driver #1 stated he attempted to cross the road and believed he had time to continue when his vehicle stalled in the intersection. Driver #2 stated that vehicle #1 only slowed at the stop sign and continued through and never appeared to stall, only attempted beat her across the roadway. The driver of vehicle #1 was asked to do several field sobriety tests due to his appearance of being under the influence of an intoxicating substance and having two prior accidents earlier in the day due to his actions. A test was performed by a deputy who determined him to be under the influence of drugs. During the investigation, driver #1 stated he does not do prescription drugs or drink and only smokes marijuana, and admitted that the last time he smoked the illicit narcotic was early morning of the same day but did not believe he was under the influence of drugs at the time of the collision.
Deputies attempted to place him under arrest for DUI-drugs when the driver fled on foot and was apprehended 200 yards away from where initial contact occurred. Hatton was place into a patrol vehicle and read Georgia implied consent on the orange card for blood. Hatton agreed to the state administered chemical test of his blood under Georgia implied consent and EMS, who was already on the scene, drew the blood for evidence. He was transported to the Effingham County Jail. The reporting officer was Jason Garland.
October 28
Civil Matter
An officer was dispatched to Bloomingdale on 127 Lemans Dr. in reference to a removal of an unwanted person. The officer arrived and spoke to the complainant and she stated that her older sister who was standing out front of her home was not welcome there. She explained that her sister was there to take back the custody of their elderly mother who was currently staying with her. She stated that her sister agreed to let her mother stay the night with her at her house. She stated that she took her mother and later that evening her sister called and said that she could keep her mother for the rest of the weekend if she wanted. She then stated that during that night, her sister and nephew pulled up to the house and was beating on the front door demanding to be let in so she could take her mother.
The officer spoke to the sister and she stated that she did not tell the complainant her mother could stay there all weekend. She then stated that she had paperwork her mother was to stay at her house until all the siblings went to court regarding the guardianship of mother. The sister did not have the paperwork and stated that it was not signed by a judge either. The officer explained that he could not make anyone give or take the mother but did ask the mother if she was okay staying there and she when she replied yes stated that she would have to stay there unless the sister could work out an arrangement civilly. The reporting officer was John Reinhart.
October 29
Driving Under the
Influence of Alcohol
An officer responded to a report of a wrecked vehicle in the area of 1744 Springfield Rd., Clyo. Upon arrival, the deputy made contact with the registered owner but not the alleged driver. As there was no property damaged or personal injury in the crash and the owner declined to make a report, the deputy left the scene without further action.
Later that day, dispatch advised that the driver’s mother called claiming that he had returned and was again driving the wrecked vehicle that had been pulled out of the ditch from the previous crash. When the deputy arrived at the residence, family members stated that the driver had left driving northbound towards Clyo. The Deputy initiated a traffic stop with a vehicle matching the description at Clyo-Kildaire Rd. and Reedsville Rd. Once the deputy arrived, he asked the driver how much he had to drink that night, as the odor of alcohol was detected coming from his person as he spoke. The driver replied that he had taken two shots “of Fireball” liquor, and later admitted to drinking a beer all within the past hour. The standardized field sobriety test was then performed which indicated that he was intoxicated. The driver was arrested and transported to Effingham County Jail. The reporting officer was Paul Davis.
October 29
Wanted Person-Warrant Service
An officer was traveling northbound on Ga SR 17S (Bloomingdale), when it was observed that a vehicle in oncoming traffic cross the center line before passing. The officer turned and initiated a traffic stop approximately one mile north of Ga Hwy 80. The officer made contact with the driver and advised him of the reason for the stop and was handed a driver’s license.
After running his license, dispatch advised that he was wanted out of Chatham County for Aggravated Assault as well as Criminal damage to property 2nd degree, both felonies. The officer asked the driver to step out of the vehicle in order to perform the standardized field sobriety test. After verifying that he was not under the influence, he was detained and later transported to Effingham County Jail. The reporting officer was Paul Davis.